"More Ambitious Action Needed Now"
COP 27:  where global leaders will discuss climate change


Living today our time-limit to make the right changes to offer new generations a better Earth. Today, where climate changing are increasing global temperatures, it because more and more relevant the need to preserve wetlands, natural Heritage, natural shading, old trees and places that become unique in city neighbourhoods, such as old Gardens and National Parks. Minimizing impactes is a risk and risks aren't eliminated, preservation is in fact the only way to make changes.

LISBON cutting down trees

The political decision-makers in Lisbon are deciding to go against all the political environment by cutting down adult and century old trees in the name of progress, public interest, towards the economy renewal without further planning and balancing well-being economy, environment and quality of life in the big cities.

Jardim da Parada

the climate changes ignored by lisbon metro

 Announcing new infrastructures in the city of Lisbon that will touch roots of the centuries old trees, changing the microcommunity social life, changing the biodiversity, changing the quality of life in the neighbourhoods, such as Campo de Ourique.

 Here the new expansion Metropolitan plan called "The Red Line" from São Sebastião to Alcântara, has plan to built a Metro Station in the unique Garden with arboreal heritage and a botanical diversity, in a residential buildings area, also with architectural heritage.

Jardim da Parada, Lisbon

The population wants the metro but not in the garden.

Uban mobility or ambiental crime?

In the name of Urban Mobility the Portuguese government police, the public entity, Lisbon's Metropolitan and the Ministry of Environment and Climate change action claim to maintain a plan that has a curvilinear layout, that will consume, in the future, more energy and maintenance, that doesn't present a strong intermodality between other public transports.

DEFending the patrimony

This plan also doesn't protect the most beautiful green and leisure spaces in the city endangering arboreal heritage, classified and non classified, of the garden "Jardim da Parada" or "Jardim Téofilo Braga", will put in risk the Natural Park of the "Tapada das Necessidades" and it's beautiful historical Palace and also will destroy historic monuments such as the Obelisk and military Wall defence "Baluarte do Livramento".

metropolitan station under the garden

 The Metro Station that is planned to be built in the only garden of Campo de Ourique will, in its early stages of the construction, a well as an attack to work, with more than 14 meters of the diameter that will, that will go into 36 meters deep, the stations copula will be at 17 meters deep, with pumping equipment that will take all the water from the underground soil of the garden to the Alcántara's WWTP. This pumping will damage and puts in risk all the existing water tables and will slowly kill all the trees including the classified century trees that have a protection law that even in this case, the Ministry of Environment and Climate change action, used the exception from 50 meters to 20 meters protection.

Trees cool the land surface temperature of cities by up to 12°C

Trees have an important role in control the climate change, we just need to protect them.
Logo Salvar o Jardim da Parada


With the knowledge of the existence of 18 studies, during 5 months, our Movement has ask for them in order to analyse other options and the reason for the political decision that brought the plans to the Metropolitan towards this. Until now, no answers or studies.

Our fight is today in this neighbourhood, tomorrow in another country in the world, where policy, decision makers and there progress plans can become environmental crimes and where public infrastructures in name of progress, public interest and Urban mobility towards carbon footprint reduction can and will create an unreversible impact on environment and do not respect all the environment policies towards 2030 and 2050.

Sign our petition today and share it with your friends, make a difference in this little part of the world


surface air temperature anomaly

Trees can have an importante role helping in the control of the sir temperature anomaly that we are registering between 1981 and 2010. In COP27 should be created some rules to protect the trees and green spaces in the world!



Se também quiser Salvar o Jardim da Parada, lutar para que um dos últimos jardins românticos de Lisboa se mantenha intacto, junte-se a nós!
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